Friday, November 7, 2014

Security Suite Recommendation

Security suites help protect your computer from viruses, spyware, and phishing. They help to protect your privacy, information, and identity. Here are my top 3 choices:
  • McAfee
McAfee helps to prevent spyware, malware and phishing. It provides a firewall and updates. They provide great protection for your computer for the same price as most of the Suites. They protect your email and filter your spam and helps to prevent data loss.
  • Norton
Norton is a very popular security suite. They also prevent spyware and phishing and provide a firewall. I believe Norton provides suites for most mobile devices and provides great protection. They help to prevent identity theft, which is crucial.They scan for suspicious links and files.
  • Bitdefender
Bitdefender kept popping up in my hits so it seems to be popular. It provides great protection for your computer against viruses and phishing. Based on reviews, this site seems to be top notch and nearly flawless. They are also ranked among the highest for protection by businesses.

My Recommendation

Sunday, October 12, 2014

B2B Companies

Business to business commerce is selling products or services from one business to another business such as manufacturers.

  •  Samsung
-Samsung sells their electronics to big name stores and sells phones to networks.
  •  Android
-Android sells it's software to smart phone companies.
  • Bulk Natural Oils(smaller company) 
-This site sells raw, natural products to small beauty companies.

  • Dollardays
-This site sells many different products in bulk to smaller businesses.

  • DHgate
-DHgate also sells wholesale products in bulk to other businesses.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Uses of the Web

There are so many things you can do on the web but there are 5 things most people use the internet for: communicating, shopping,searching, education and entertainment.

  • Facebook
This is the number 1 social networking site & my personal favorite. You can connect with family & friends by posting pictures, statuses, comments and even news. They generate most of their income through advertisements from sponsors. They even make money from apps/games you can play on their website.
  • Skype
Skype allows people to communicate through video and instant messaging. It's the biggest voice calling service and it's very easy to use. Skype is free but does have a subscription service in which they make their money.  
  • Gmail
Email is a form of communicating through the web that has been around the longest. Gmail is a very reliable and easy to use email provider. Although it's a free service, they make money from the advertisements you'll see every time you're logged in.

  • Ebay
Ebay is a popular online shopping site that allows businesses and regular people all over the world to sell their items. Things can be bid on or just bought. Ebay makes money by charging selling and transaction fees.
  • Amazon
Amazon is probably the more reliable(from my experience) online shopping site when compared to Ebay.Amazon & Ebay are very similar but on Amazon you don't bid. Amazon makes their money through Amazon Prime and selling/transaction fees. Prime is a subscription that has more features than a free membership.
Walmart's stores don't always carry what you're looking for but their website might. Walmart is a very popular mass merchandising store so they probably have the biggest mass merchandising website. The way they generate income is obvious. They're selling products for other companies and take out a big chunk of the profit. They also make money charging shipping fees.

  • Google
Everyone knows Google is the biggest search engine. You can search for anything on Google. Just like other sites, it's free but makes most of it's money through advertisement.
  • Bing
Bing is another search engine where you can look for anything, but it's not as popular as Google. Bing gets paid for reference. Bing basically refers you to the site and they get paid for it.
  • Yahoo
Yahoo is not only an email provider, but it's also a search engine. Like the rest, you can search for anything. You can even answer questions people ask. Yahoo makes most of their money from advertisements and sponsors.

  • University of Phoenix
You will see University of Phoenix advertised on TV & on the web. It is a huge online school attended by people all over the country. You can get any degree from a associates to a bachelors. They make their money from the students paying to take the classes.
  • Everest College
Everest also offers many degree programs online or on campus & you'll see their commercials on TV. They make money by charging tuition just like any other college.
  • Devry
Another big nationally accredited online college with some campuses all over the country.  They make money from tuition charged for classes.

  • Netflix
I personally love Netflix. They have a large database of movies & TV shows you can watch on different devices. They make their money by charging a subscription fee and by renting out movies to subscribers.
WorldStar is the most popular urban media news & entertainment website. It's not for everyone, but it's very popular among urban youth & it's basically a website full of entertaining videos of every day life & news of regular people. They make their money by charging people & musicians to have videos and advertisements on their site.
  • Yahoo
Yahoo also has a news section. They cover the latest news about the nation, the world, celebrities, sports, and so much more. They make a lot of money through advertisements.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

ISP Providers

Internet providers have many different plans which means different speeds & different prices for each service. There are many different broadband types such as; cable, satellite, fiber optic, wireless, DSL, dial-up & more.

Transmission Speed
At&t (U-verse)
Dish (NET)

Friday, August 29, 2014

Personal QR Code

How Businesses Use QR Codes

Most businesses use QR codes as a way for the consumer to find out more information on the product or company. Basically, you scan the code with your phone or other device (bar code scanner) and when it scans it'll launch you to a website or app where you can get more information. It can be for anything and about anything and you can basically put it anywhere. Most companies put them on ads, websites, products, etc. They're used by businesses to promote or just provide information. Some QR codes even go as far as completing actions for you such as uploading a status on social media, logging into an account, or calling someone.

A QR code is a an input device because it is an image that is scanned to send data to a device.

There are so many benefits to using a QR code. Since they're so versatile, you can use them for anything when it comes to your business.
  • Promoting: When promoting your business with something like an ad, you can't put all your info on it and that's where a QR code comes in. All someone has to do is scan it and it'll launch them directly to your site.
  • Selling: If you are trying to sell a product you might not be able to fit all the info you want and the consumer might want to know something not stated on the product. A QR code can be scanned on the product and it can launch the consumer directly to the products info online.
  • Basic Info: If someone just wants to know something that couldn't be stated due to lack of space, all they have to do is scan the code to get more info about something specific.
There aren't many downsides but one big one is the lack of technology. Not everyone has access to the proper technology to scan these codes and view the information, so they really can't benefit from the codes at all. 

My QR Code

QR Code