How Businesses Use QR Codes
Most businesses use QR codes as a way for the consumer to find out more information on the product or company. Basically, you scan the code with your phone or other device (bar code scanner) and when it scans it'll launch you to a website or app where you can get more information. It can be for anything and about anything and you can basically put it anywhere. Most companies put them on ads, websites, products, etc. They're used by businesses to promote or just provide information. Some QR codes even go as far as completing actions for you such as uploading a status on social media, logging into an account, or calling someone.
A QR code is a an input device because it is an image that is scanned to send data to a device.
There are so many benefits to using a QR code. Since they're so versatile, you can use them for anything when it comes to your business.
- Promoting: When promoting your business with something like an ad, you can't put all your info on it and that's where a QR code comes in. All someone has to do is scan it and it'll launch them directly to your site.
- Selling: If you are trying to sell a product you might not be able to fit all the info you want and the consumer might want to know something not stated on the product. A QR code can be scanned on the product and it can launch the consumer directly to the products info online.
- Basic Info: If someone just wants to know something that couldn't be stated due to lack of space, all they have to do is scan the code to get more info about something specific.
There aren't many downsides but one big one is the lack of technology. Not everyone has access to the proper technology to scan these codes and view the information, so they really can't benefit from the codes at all.
My QR Code